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ABC 7 News: Mike Answering the Call
April 30, 2020 - Mike received a concerning call from an employee at St. Elizabeths about the lack of protective equipment provided during the pandemic. Check out his response.
Ward 8 has the Most Covid-19 Deaths in DC
March 24, 2020 - Watch to see how Mike is responding to ensure lives are saved in Ward 8.

The DC Line: News, Views, and Events
April 22, 2020 - The primary election is still scheduled for June 2, the special election to fill the DC Council vacancy in Ward 2 is scheduled for June 16, and the general election is slated for Nov. 3. For the June elections, DC officials are encouraging residents to request a ballot by mail so that they don’t have to visit one of the District’s vote centers on Election Day or during the period for early voting, which starts May 22. Mail-in ballots will be sent out beginning in early May.

DC for Democracy Response
March 28, 2020 - Learn more about Mike Austin's views on various issues from taxation to the environment. Mike goes into detail about his plan and experience on these topics. The responses will give you more insight into Mike's campaign and how he will improve Ward 8. All the Ward 8 candidates responses can be viewed on the DC for Democracy website.
March 24, 2020 - Check out this great video of Mike Austin sharing his reasons for running for Ward 8 Council member.
Team Rayceen Candidate Interview

March 19, 2020 - Austin’s campaign wrote us, “Mike Austin is a fourth-generation Washingtonian, attorney, community servant, and the ANC 8C Chair representing Congress Heights in Ward 8. Mike has spent his career fighting for Ward 8 families, and as the Ward 8 Councilmember, will fight to invest in Ward 8’s future while preserving its history.
Greater Greater Washington: 2020 Ward 8 DC Council Candidates

March 9, 2020 - Gentrifying areas have embraced the private security camera program while neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River see low levels of participation. “There needs to be a stronger approach to getting the word out about this program and definitely the fact there’s a voucher component to this.” He adds that “price point is a huge deterrent for people because cameras aren’t cheap.”
Participation in D.C.'s Camera Program is Highly Uneven

Mike Joins We Act Radio
January 15, 2020 - Mike joined We Act Radio to discuss his candidacy for Ward 8 Council. Mike discussed the need for more public safety options, more equity funding for our neighborhood schools, and the need for more investment in Ward 8.

January 15, 2020 - Mike Austin, chairman of the 8C advisory neighborhood commission in Ward 8, has decided to challenge D.C. Council member Trayon White (D-Ward 8) in the June 2 Democratic primary.
Mike in Washington Informer

Mike Filing for Candidacy for Ward 8 Council
January 14, 2020 - Mike Austin formally filed his candidacy for Ward 8 Council. Mike pledged to be a voice for all Ward 8 residents and to bring his experience to the Council.

January 6, 2020 - Mike said, "Our people are suffering under this current leadership. Our community problems have gone on long enough. I'm tired of the broken promises, it's time for progress. If we don't solve these challenges now, then we mat never figure them out, it's time for better: it's now or never."
Official Announcement of Candidacy for Ward 8 Council

Mike Austin Presents Ward 8 Toy Drive
December 14 2019 - ANC 8C Chairman Austin hosted a toy drive to help families in need during the holiday season.

September 18, 2019 - “I appreciate the gems we have here,” said Austin, a fourth-generation Washingtonian who represents ANC Single-Member District 8C01, which includes RISE Demonstration Center. He said his policy goals involve increasing Congress Heights residents’ awareness about professional development opportunities, including those available at the University of the District of Columbia’s workforce development site at 3100 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue.
Congress Heights Residents at Cultural Crossroads
July 23, 2019 - My mentee is facing a murder charge.."That’s how Mike Austin started his social media post.“I wish I would have talked to him sooner, I wish we would have met sooner,” he wrote. “I’m not a teacher, I’m not a parent, I’m just somebody who cares.”The Ward 8 ANC Commissioner met the 18-year old a year and a half ago in Congress Heights. They struck up a friendship.
DC Man Calls for More Mentors to Save Kids from Violence

November 2, 2018 - On this Saturday afternoon, he [Mike Austin] and a local resident give away water, food and supplies to the needy. "It's a joke for most people, but it's really not a joke. We need to continue to provide services for our residents over here, because they have the lowest income in the district and have the most needs."
Who Owns GO-GO in the Capital City?
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